TAG: "airport"


Chennai Airport Ramps Up Renewable Energy to Minimise Carbon Emissions

It uses an integration of power produced from rooftop solar plants, solar energy purchased from companies and by obtaining power under a green tariff from Tangedco.

Airport | June 12, 2023 | By EI News Network 2952

Cabinet Nods for Renaming Goa’s Greenfield International Airport as ‘Manohar International Airport Mopa’

The Union Cabinet has provided ex-post facto approval for the naming of ‘Greenfield International Airport Mopa, Goa’ as ‘Manohar International Airport – Mopa, Goa’, as a tribute to Late Manohar Parrikar, Ex-Defence Minister and four-time Goa Chief Minister.

Airport | January 05, 2023 | By Manu Tayal 3338


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