TAG: "2040 Carbon Neutrality Plan"


Oil India Aims to Invest INR 25,000 Crore to Attain Net-Zero by 2040, Says CMD Ranjit Rath

Dr. Ranjit Rath stated that OIL has committed to investing in green hydrogen, the construction of 2G ethanol plants, compressed biogas plants, and the utilization of carbon capture, among other things.

2040 Carbon Neutrality Plan | September 15, 2023 | By EI News Network 1766

LG Innotek Plans to be Carbon Neutral by 2040

LG Innotek plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040. The company announced on March 23rd that it had finalized the '2040 Carbon Neutrality Plan' at a recent ESG committee meeting.

2040 Carbon Neutrality Plan | March 24, 2022 | By News Bureau 1969


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